joi, 24 iulie 2008

Sunt Agent Secret. Caut Traficant Droguri

Plictiseala e cauza tuturor lucrurilor rele care se petrec in lume. Cand esti esti plictisit nu ai chef de nimic, esti recalcitrant. Orice persoana care incearca sa intre in conversatie cu tine se poate alege cu un raspuns violent. De aici si pana la detonarea bombelor in spatiile publice nu mai e decat un pas. Deci iata cateva metode sa scapi de plictiseala:
1. sa te culci (cea mai fireasca alegere)
2. sa scoti un joc nou de pe DC++
3. sa ii spui unei pitzipoance pe mess ca esti agent special si ea sa te creada

Intrucat banuiesc ca primele 2 alegeri va sunt familiare, o sa va arat o conversatie pe care sa o urmati drept model in cariera voastra de spalat creiere:

5/20/2008 9:40:17 PM - se initializeaza legatura

Bejan Niku(eu): buna :D
Bad pitzi: buna cf?
eu: bn tu?
Bad pitzi: bn
Bad pitzi: da pot sa stiu cu cne vb?daca nu te supi
eu: nu ma stii, nici io pe tn

5/20/2008 9:42:19 PM - castigam increderea (goolge search la id. google returneaza profilul de hi5, de unde aflu numele celei mai bune prietene, locatia si data nasterii)

Bad pitzi: de unde ai id meu de mess?
eu: de la cea mai buna prietena a ta
Bad pitzi: de la care........
eu: roxana
eu: esti din zalau?
Bad pitzi: da dc?
eu: nascuta pe 1 ianuarie ?
Bad pitzi: daaaaaa :O
eu: stiu totul despre tine
Bad pitzi: ceeeeeeeeeeeeee :O:O
Bad pitzi: de unde?

5/20/2008 9:49:42 PM - dezvaluirea identitatii

eu: eu sunt agentul secret care te-a urmarit din umbra in ultimii 2 ani, scopul meu a fost sa te lichidez
eu: dar m-am razgandit, ai fost salvata
eu: trebuie totusi sa imi spui daca pot avea incredere in tine
Bad pitzi: dc?
eu: pentru ca eu, daca nu te lichidez, tradez interesul Guvernului si nimeni nu trebuie sa stie de aceasta schimbare de planuri
eu: mai pe scurt ai ceva ce imi trebuie mie
eu: zi pot avea incredere?

5/20/2008 9:53:04 - bad pitzi se prinde, dar ii recastig increderea

Bad pitzi
: chiar mie ai vrut sa-mi trimiti...sau poate ai gresit pers inceput ai zis ca nu ma cunostiiiiiiiii ..vb sincer cu cam deruteziii
eu: orice conversatie de pe Yahoo Messenger este urmarita de agentii secreti
eu: daca as fi spus ca te cunosc de la inceput probabil ma trezeam cu Serviciul Roman de Informatii la usa
Bad pitzi: vb la vrajeala cu mn?
eu: crede-ma daca era sa te iau cu vrajeala ziceam hai in oras la un suc
eu: si daca tu acceptai SRI-ul stia locul si ora unde de intalneam

5/20/2008 9:57:20 PM - dezvaluirea scopului misiunii

eu: agentia noastra a interceptat acum cateva minute
eu: o convorbire intre tine si un anume bardas_catalin
eu: ei acest bardas_catalin este un traficant de droguri
eu: care are prostul obicei de a intra pe messenger si a-si dezvalui pozitia
Bad pitzi: da il am
eu: sa vorbesti si sa obtii informatii de la el
eu: caci de data asta chiar vrem sa il prindem
Bad pitzi: tu iti bati joc de mn sau ce faci..................vb serios
eu: deci este o misiune de interes national
eu: poti primi recompensa
Bad pitzi: nu stiu da numi vine sa cred
eu: de 5000 de euro daca il prindem
eu: acum tot ce trebuie sa faci
eu: e sa fii calma
eu: ptr ca nu se intampla nimic rau
Bad pitzi: bn acuma faci si glume cu mn........

5/20/2008 10:07:19 PM - detalii ca-n filme (scz ptr story-line-ul de kkt, nu ma puteam gandi la ceva mai bun)

eu: sa iti explic cum functioneaza sistemul
eu: restul nu pot
Bad pitzi: kk

{detalii despre cum l-am interceptat prin urmarirea facturilor de la banca, prea mult de scris :)) }

Bad pitzi: da vezi ca daca ma prostesti nu stiu ce fac cu tn............
eu: sa revenim
eu: desi banca nu ne-a dezvaluit numele clientului
eu: noi am aflat de el prin alte surse
eu: acum intreaba-l daca e in galati
Bad pitzi: dc tocmai de la mn tre sa afli despre acel zici tu care ii traficant de droguri da nu cred
Bad pitzi: nu fac nimik pt tn ca ma mintii
Bad pitzi: ai inteles numa daca imi explici ce se intampla
Bad pitzi: da sa vb cu parintii lui...............dc nu?
Bad pitzi: nu inteleg ce vrei sa afli de la mn
eu: parintii lui sunt morti

5/20/2008 10:12:45 PM - o amenintam aici... :))

eu: gandeste-te, ai o sansa unica in viata
Bad pitzi: acuma imi vb de sansa in viata?
eu: vei fi premiata
eu: daca vrei sa actionezi
eu: si crede-ma ca asa ar trebui
eu: actioneaza cu pundenta
Bad pitzi: da...........ce sati spun ca de cadoul vostru nu mai pot io
Bad pitzi: ce sati spun
eu: stii ce
Bad pitzi: nu stiu da numa numi vine sa cred ce vb cu mn acuma
Bad pitzi: ce sa stiu
eu: crezi ca rudele tale au mainile curate?
Bad pitzi: acuma te iei de familia mea
eu: crezi ca nu stim tot
eu: crede-ma
eu: micile afaceri necurate
eu:noi putem sa le uitam
eu: sa ne facem ca nu le-am vazut
eu: daca ne ajuti
eu: cum crezi ca stiu data nasterii
eu: cum crezi ca stiu ca esti din zalau
eu: cum crezi ca stiu TOT?
eu: raspunde, actionam intr-un minut
eu: doresti sa continui sau trecem drept colaborator userul din braila
eu: 30 de sec
eu: 20
eu: ultima sansa
eu: deci...
Bad pitzi: bn
eu: intreaba-l e in galati??
eu: dar repede ca banuim ca are cursa spre bucuresti si apoi
eu: are destinatia mexic

Conversatia in paralel cu bardas_catalin, care era constient de noul lui hobby - drogurile (i-am spus ce tre' sa zica)

Bad pitzi: poti sami dai o poza cu tn sa vad cu cne vb si daca esti dragut.......daca nu te supi:)
neo: daca imi zici sincer : ai supt pl sau nu?

Bad pitzi
: da pe a taaa
Bad pitzi: cred ca da

LOL... peste ceva timp...

Bad pitzi: esti din galati?
Bad pitzi: ca intreaba unu d tn...
Bad pitzi: cica vrea s t prinda k faci trafic de droguri
neo: fa daca ii zici de mine te omor :(
neo: da sunt din galati

Din nou cu mine

Bad pitzi: ba da ii din galati
eu: eu trebuie sa plec
eu: tinem legatura

{in fine deja m-am plictisit sa o mint}

5/20/2008 10:43:10 PM - complimente de final :>:>

Bad pitzi: da tu esti ala din poza de la avatar
eu: da eu sunt
Bad pitzi: kk
Bad pitzi: areti bn
eu: in costumul de la intrunire
Bad pitzi: :)
Bad pitzi: iti dau nr meu de tel
eu: ms dar primul lucru care mi se spune e sa nu ma atasez sentimental de nimeni
Bad pitzi: :))
eu: nu e nevoie
Bad pitzi: kk
Bad pitzi: nu til dadeam
Bad pitzi: >:P

Citeste toata conversatia aici(scuza-mi greselile de geografie, intre galati si zalau sunt 800 km, nu 100 cum credeam eu)

marți, 22 iulie 2008

Season 5 LOST. Where to?

July 22, 2008
- Lost executive producers/showrunners Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse were part of a panel this afternoon at the Television Critics Association press tour, joining showrunners from other ABC series. The duo were asked plenty of questions about what's to come next season, but as always, played things very close to the vest to keep upcoming plot twists a secret.

Lindelof said it was very exciting to them to be, "going into Season 5 and the fact that people are still asking [what's to come] is extraordinary." It's been announced of course that Lost will end with Season 6, and Cuse said, "We're very grateful [to ABC] for working out an end date with us. We know exactly how much time we have left to tell our story. I think that end date completely changed our storytelling approach."

The writers' strike resulted in a delay in the last few episodes of Lost's fourth season, which had been intended to run without interruption, plus the season being cut down by a couple of hours. Cuse however said he felt that with the strike, "one of the greatest things was having 100 days where we weren't thinking about Lost. We came back after 100 days sort of rested and energized. So I think for us doing the last six hours of the show was very exciting because we hadn't used every idea we had and we weren't fatigued."
Lindelof also said the strike was oddly helpful because, "usually we wouldn't have had audience feedback [on the episodes that already aired]. We actually got some feedback, from critics, from our wives." Lindelof added that meant that if something wasn't quite working, "We were allowed to course-correct." He pointed out that in Season 5, "We won't have the luxury of that. We'll be done writing [the season] by February and the show will have premiered shortly before, which quite frankly scares the s**t out of us."

By the end of Season 4, the Oceanic Six had left the island, separating much of the cast. Said Cuse, "Obviously, the turn that is happening with the character of the island is the island is kind of drawing them back. Ben's made it clear that they have to go back. We're excited about the journey of how those six return to the island or contemplate returning to the island."

Lost fans, be aware - The end might not be right around the corner, but we now know it is coming and that there is a set date for when the series will conclude. Variety reports the series will complete its run in 2010, and that next season (the show's fourth) will mark the beginning of some major new scheduling changes for the series.

Rumors sprung up at the end of last week that Lost executive producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse had come to an agreement with ABC to end the series after season five, with Lindelof and Cuse having gone on record as saying they felt this was the right amount of time to complete the story. This announcement seems to mark a compromise, as ABC will have Lost for one more year, through season six, but for about the same amount of episodes they would have if the show had ended two years from now. The reason for this is that Lost will only have 16 episodes a season for its final three years, instead of the usual 22 to 24 episodes they've had in their first three seasons.

These 16 episode seasons will most likely debut in January or February of the television season, and then run uninterrupted, with no repeats. This change in scheduling to less episodes and a longer time in-between seasons is reminiscent of the way most cable series, such as The Sopranos and The Shield, are shown.

Meanwhile ABC has signed Lindelof and Cuse to a new deal that will keep them with Lost until the end of the series. The duo have acknowledged the criticisms they've received which has had some viewers concerned the series had no end in sight and thus contained plotlines that lacked focus, something they hope will be dissipated now that fans know there is a specific time set for the conclusion.

Said Cuse, "I think for story-based shows like Lost, as opposed to franchise-based shows like ER or CSI, the audience wants to know when the story is going to be over. When J.K. Rowling announced that there would be seven Harry Potter books, it gave the readers a clear sense of exactly what their investment would be. We want our audience to do the same."

"In making this deal, Damon and I had two priorities: defining an end point for the show and keeping the quality bar high," Cuse continued. "To do that we are both fully committed to the day-to-day running of the show right up until the very end. It's also why the 16 episodes per year was key for us. Because our show is so mythological, and because, unlike 24, we can't reset each season, we need the extra time fewer episodes affords us to really plan out the specifics of our storytelling."

Lindelof promised Variety that the final 48 episodes comprising Lost's season four through six will definitely be the end of the story, saying "There will be no extensions or enhancements. That number [48] is absolute. Once you begin to see where we're going, I think the idea of sequels and spin-offs will completely go away."

The final episode of Lost, at the end of season six, will be the 119th for the series.

marți, 15 iulie 2008

Despre mine

Lucruri care imi plac
-apa (din bazin, cand sar in ea, face splash:X)
3-CH2-OH (betzia:D)
-tutunul(mai rar, ce e drept, doar la ocazii speciale)
-Andrei Gheorghe
-tastatura crapata, de la care scriu
-mare, munte
-lama (la fiecare 10 lame fabricate de Gillette, una omoara un emokid)
-dirigul meu (chit ca mi-a scazut nota la purtare... twice)
-blondele si fetele care spun mereu ca e prima data
-aparatul foto :*
-fata de la pagina 5 :X
-compul si chestiile aferente

Lucruri care nu imi plac <=> le urasc
-Dan Diaconescu
-sa platesc netu

Dupa cum observi sunt mai multe lucruri care imi plac decat lucruri care le detest.
Deci sunt o persoana echitabila. :D